1. How did you decide the dances, or pick out the songs? Was it difficult to decide on those dances/songs?
For our dance we wanted something easy but unique at the same time since there was barely any time to learn a complex one. Our dance was created together with all of our members suggesting moves and picking the song . It’s not difficult to make decisions such as dance and music if you put team effort in it.
2. Teamwork and commitment is a big part of Gala. How were you able to teach the dance to your fellow members (did you practice outside of school? did you record video clips to record, Etc.) ? Were there any troubles you had with your members (attendance issues, ticket issues)?
To practice our dance we met outside of school in our community since we all attend the same church and Saturday school. Also, we recorded video clips to practice at home when we couldn’t meet. Some issues we faced were towards the Gala when they ran out of tickets and not all members could buy them.
3. What part of Gala did you enjoy most?
My favorite part of the Gala was watching all of it come together, creating a beautiful performance.
4. If you could, would you join Gala again? If so, which ones would you be interested in?
I would definitely join the Gala again if I have time for it. I plan on continuing with Ukrainian Gala next year but wouldn’t join any other Galas because one is stressful enough.
5. Do you recommend Gala for new incoming freshmen?
In my freshman year, I decided to go to Gala to support my friends who were performing. That performance inspired me to demonstrate Ukrainian culture and start the Ukrainian Gala. For future freshmen, I would recommend if you’re not able to perform, at least watch the performance because it is 100% worth it and will surprise you with all of the amazing cultures our school has.
Interviewed by John
Photos Courtesy of Prince, Grace, and Haider