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Italian Gala + Italian Fashion Show


1. How did you decide the dances, or pick out the songs? Was it difficult to decide on those dances/songs?

I was the choreographer for the last 2 songs, but the first song was by the old captain. We decided the songs with the help of our Italian teacher, Ms. Ellish and through our research. The dances were not difficult, but it did take a long time to pick up on the choreography because of a small incident regarding our last captain, who quit.

2.  Teamwork and commitment is a big part of Gala. How were you able to teach the dance to your fellow members (did you practice outside of school? did you record video clips to record, Etc.)? Were there any troubles you had with your members (attendance issues, ticket issues)?

I helped others learn the dance either by recording them or by teaching them step by step. I also told them that they can ask me any questions to help me understand how to help them. I also told them that, if they feel uncomfortable or timid talking to me, then you should tell me instead of hiding it so me and Gabby (the other captain) can help you (or others) address that/ those problem(s). The only problems with some of our members were that they sometimes were fooling around and did not text the group chat about things we need to know for the practices. For example: attendance, things regarding ideas for the gala, and asking things regarding the choreography and/or the outfits we need. Luckily, Gabby and I have addressed those issues, and since then, they have been understanding and respecting of this, which creates a trustful and comfortable environment for everyone. 

3. What part of Gala did you enjoy most?

The most enjoyable part of gala would be practice. As more and more days pass, the members get closer. We all felt more comfortable with each other. I would fool around with all the members and make jokes with them. I would start dancing randomly and the members would join me. I would laugh all the time and always have a smile on my face. Vicky (the other captain) and I really enjoyed when we would do well during practice, especially when we got all the timings right and placement. 

4. If you could, would you join Gala again? If so, which ones would you be interested in?

If I could do Gala again I would either rejoin Italian Gala or join the Mexican Gala.

5. Do you recommend Gala for upcoming freshmen?

I definitely recommend freshmen to join Gala. It is really fun and it helps you become more social. You meet new people and make new friends. Gala also helps you step out of your comfort zone and show all of your specialties in dancing.

Interview Conducted by Jayden

Edited by Heba

Photo Creds: Prince, Haider

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