1. How did you decide on dances and pick out songs? Was the process difficult?
I feel like, as a team, us four Mexican Gala captains were able to work well together. We decided on a mix of traditional and modern dances, but I knew from the very beginning that I wanted to do traditional dancing as it’s a personal passion for me.
2. Teamwork and commitment is a big part of Gala. How were you able to teach the dance to your fellow members (did you practice outside of school? did you record video clips to record, Etc.) ? Were there any troubles you had with your members (attendance issues, ticket issues)?
I think teaching requires a lot of patience, but also an ability to be amicable. In my gala, there were many people who were joking around and I totally believe in that. I think Gala is a way to have fun and I believe we managed to achieve that. We did practice outside of school on Saturdays in a room that we have been using for years.
3. What part of Gala did you enjoy most?
Oh, where to start! My favorite part of Gala was probably hyping up the crowd. I’ve been doing this for three years now and during the two previous Galas, I chickened out from yelling to the crowd. This year we managed to loudly say “Que Viva Mexico” to the whole crowd and that, to me, is inspiring.
4. If you could, would you join Gala again? If so, which ones would you be interested in?
If I could do Gala again I definitely would! I would love to repeat the three years of Gala that I participated in. If I’m being honest, while the other Galas are great, I don’t think my dancing skills would allow me to join 😭. I think my roots in Mexico helped me to perform to the best of my abilities.
5. Do you recommend Gala for upcoming freshmen?
Absolutely. Gala is so much fun, and the memories are even better. From the first year I joined Gala , so much has changed. With Gala, I think I’ve generally just become a better, happier person. My only regret is that I can’t experience that again.
Just to add a little something extra, I wanted to talk about how stress took a major toll on all four of the captains, but I can honestly say that it was worth it in the end. There have been times when we couldn't agree on things, which is understandable since we have different styles and/or images of how we wanted things to go. In the end though, we came together and had an amazing time with our group, which we wouldn't trade for the world.